Blistering heatwave plays havoc with Europe’s strained energy system

Record-breaking temperatures fuel demand while hitting electricity generation from nuclear, hydro and coal.

The disruption to electricity supply caused by the heatwaves – which are becoming more common and intense due to climate change, scientists say – has stoked the record-breaking rally for power prices in parts of Europe even as gas prices have eased off in recent days.
The disruption to electricity supply caused by the heatwaves – which are becoming more common and intense due to climate change, scientists say – has stoked the record-breaking rally for power prices in parts of Europe even as gas prices have eased off in recent days.Foto: Joan Mateu Parra/AP/NTB
Publisert 21. July 2022, kl. 11.54Oppdatert 21. July 2022, kl. 11.54