Behind the scenes: How Jeffrey Epstein helped billionaire Bill Gates fund UN-affiliated think tank projects

An investigation by Norwegian business newspaper DN reveals how Jeffrey Epstein played a crucial role when the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation gave grants to a UN-affiliated think tank.

In October 2013, Jeffrey Epstein (inset) gave Terje Rød-Larsen clear instructions for the dialogue with the Gates Foundation. (Photograph: Matt Dunham/AP/NTB)
In October 2013, Jeffrey Epstein (inset) gave Terje Rød-Larsen clear instructions for the dialogue with the Gates Foundation. (Photograph: Matt Dunham/AP/NTB)
Publisert 4. October 2020, kl. 15.13Oppdatert 30. October 2020, kl. 10.50