27.12.2024 2024s beste sakprosabøker Alkoholisme og pappaproblemer, tysk filosofi og parallelle søskenfortellinger fra Afghanistan munnet ut i årets beste sakprosabøker.
26.11.2024 Jernkvinnens forklaring Angela Merkels ettermæle er ikke slik det en gang var, men hun unnskylder seg ikke i sine memoarer.
03.06.2024 The valuation mystery: more clues Every time something this stupid happens, an innocent little finance fairy dies.
03.06.2024 The valuation mystery Something happened to the valuation of US stocks about thirty years ago.
30.05.2024 Exxon vs Calpers: Inside the clash over shareholder rights and fiduciary duty We give both sides a chance to have a say in the debate.
30.05.2024 ConocoPhillips agrees to buy Marathon Oil in $22.5bn deal Acquisition of Houston-based group is latest in a series of megadeals that have reshaped the US energy sector.
23.05.2024 Lex in depth: how the hydrogen hype fizzled out Once viewed as a superfuel that could decarbonise large chunks of the economy, the likely uses are shrinking dramatically.
29.04.2024 Flows to European ESG exchange traded funds halve in first quarter Allocations represented only 16 % of total new money garnered by ETFs, down from 65 % during highs of 2022.
24.04.2024 Investors challenge Equinor’s climate rhetoric Shareholder resolution highlights challenges around Norwegian company’s climate pledge.
11.04.2024 Rising petrol prices create fresh headache for Biden The move towards the critical $4 per gallon threshold comes at a delicate moment for the US president.
11.04.2024 Highlights from the FT’s Commodities Summit The message so far is that we are living in unique times.
04.04.2024 How quickly will fossil fuels be phased out? Modelling the future of energy trends can be a nightmare, but a new report seeks to parse major outlooks.
29.02.2024 Global gas prices slide on weak demand and full stocks Two years after Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine sent energy markets into disarray, prices for gas have tumbled to multiyear lows as the world grapples with a supply glut.
22.02.2024 Biden’s clean energy conundrums Chinese-backed solar factory highlights Biden’s clean energy conundrums.
15.02.2024 Shale’s new era spells higher oil prices Consolidation has reshaped the US energy industry – and its role in global markets.
15.02.2024 How big a hypocrite is Norway on energy matters? The rich Nordic country is western Europe’s biggest petroleum producer but likes to tout its green credentials too.
05.02.2024 The thinking barbarians: how private equity has evolved The industry cannot always be caricatured as short-termist, debt-addicted asset-strippers.
05.02.2024 Where increasing returns come from Even by the standards of post-lockdown labour market strength, Friday’s jobs report was a doozy.